Friday, May 15, 2009

Lunch Break

My hubby decided it would be nice for us to go out to lunch yesterday, which we all gladly accepted! We went to a new Chili's restaurant just north of our town. Thankfully it wasn't very full (I hate crowds) and we were able to have a fun, relaxing lunch with our older kids. The youngest was at school, and that was a huge bummer for me. I missed my little guy, but we still had a nice time.

There's my little girl on the left (waaay too serious) and her best friend Jelly Bean. They room together at college. I'm glad she has JB with her, who sets a good example both academically and spiritually. JB is very serious about her relationship with the Lord, and it has rubbed off in a very positive way. Both girls have decided not to date, to wait on the Lord to show them the man He would have them marry and enter into courtship when that time comes. Right now both are focused on school and not guys, which I believe will help them do their best. There's always time for romance later on.

Here's my oldest son R. He recently cut his very long hair, and I'm so glad. The long hair was dry and brittle, not very attractive at all. He looks much nicer clean cut.

Me and hubby. Just chillin' out at Chili's.

My hubby rarely smiles for the camera. Not even as a small child. My kids saw pictures of his first birthday party, and they asked why their daddy wasn't smiling. It's just his personality. However, he did give me a wink for this pic, which was greatly appreciated.
I'm glad we got to spend this time with the kids. They've grown up faster than we thought possible, but they're still special to us and we love them more and more each day. I'm thankful to have them close by (still) where we can share these spontaneous moments together.


Kristi said...

That's great! Thanks for sharing the photo's and captions.

I do thank the Lord for the girl's commitments, and I pray they will be able to stick by them! What a blessing that will be for the rest of their lives!

Mrs. O said...

If he chooses not to smile, that's fine. But does he have to try to look like Popeye when he winks?? And, I liked R's hair better when it was long. I'm just glad he got rid of the chin-beard. :)