It's a bit overcast outside. Maybe it'll rain. 'Course, it got really dark yesterday, and the thunder was making a racket, but in the end my area got no rain at all. Maybe today.
My son woke up feeling much better today, praise the Lord. He still had a low grade fever this morning but was behaving like his normal self, asking for breakfast and what time we'd be going to the library, so I know the virus is just about knocked out. I'm still keeping an eye on him but I think we're just about out of the woods.
I spoke with my friend a little while ago. She's feeling much better also. The pulmonologist checked her and said he was very pleased at how well she looks. This is the same doctor that saw her 2 years ago when she had her first bout with pneumonia, after having been diagnosed with the auto-immune disorder. She was really weak, swollen from medication and had hardly any energy. It's been a long road to recovery, but with the Lord's help she has taken care of herself and until she got sick this time was feeling like her ole self. The doctor explained this was something she'd probably have to battle for years, but if we're sure of one thing, it's that God has healed her before and He will do it again. As I told her, "Little does this doctor know the amount of prayers that helped get you to where you are now." Her answer? "Oh, he knows."
So, I'm off to do some reading. I got a biography on Jane Austen now that I finished reading Sense and Sensibility, and I'll be reading Pride and Prejudice next. Reading is FUNdamental!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers, both for my son and my friend. All are greatly appreciated.
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
I follow a blog for a woman who suffers from an autoimmune illness (ankylosing spondylitis) and she's noticed a change in her symptoms since she switched to a whole foods plant-based diet, low in fat and sodium, after reading a book called "The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health" by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Thomas M. Campbell II. Maybe this may be a book that can help Naomy's symptoms by changing her diet. I'm planning on getting it to see if there is anything that will help my arthritis (or something I'm eating that hurts it).
Naomy is one of the healthiest eaters I know. She's Puertorican but she doesn't eat like one! And now with this issue she's even more health conscious. The problem is that part of the treatment for her disorder was the removal of a tumor with several rounds of chemo and radiation (it was not cancer, but this is the treatment for her particular disorder), so her lungs are scarred. This means that, on top of the fact that she has this disorder, her lungs are weak and any virus she contracts can become a major illness. Believe me, she's doing 100X better than was expected, but it'll be a thorn in her flesh for some years to come.
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