It may seem like I have no desire to move it this Monday, since it's already after 1:30 in the afternoon, but the truth is I've been movin' it all day and this is the first time I've been able to stop! See, this week is VBS (Vacation Bible School) at one of our local churches, and not only is my son E attending but I'm volunteering. Not only has this been a busy and productive Monday - it'll be a busy and productive week!
I had a bowl of Oatmeal Crisp with vanilla Silk soymilk this morning along with my coffee to get me going. We arrived at the church at just after 8:00am and began helping set up the registration table, which is where I'm serving. Once the children were separated into their groups, the count came in: 186! After that we had a few more sign-ins so that number went up. We also have a group of children coming from a local orphanage tomorrow - 61 kids to be exact, so we're probably looking at over 250 children. Praise God! Children are our future, and the time to get them on the right track is now. I'm so blessed to be a part of this ministry. It gives me plenty of motivation to Move It!
I've just finished having lunch (baked chicken with stuffing that my daughter had waiting for us when we got home - thanks A!) and now I'm gonna get moving with laundry. I'm really looking forward to this week. I'll try and post about VBS later on today. Hope everyone has a very, very blessed week!
Move It Mondays is hosted by Kristilea at In The Lord's Path. God bless.
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
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