For Today, March 22, 2011...
Outside my's toasty warm! Thankfully there's a breeze, otherwise the heat would be oppressive.
I am thinking...of dinner, and how glad I am it's already done.
I am thankful...for my new vacuum cleaner and printer. More on that to come.
I am the park once E finishes his homework, as long as it's not too hot.
I am wearing...a teal shirt, teal/brown/white skirt, and bare feet.
I am tired we are in the mornings now that we've sprung the clock forward one hour. I like the days to be longer, but do I have to get up earlier to achieve it?
I am hearing...Phineas and Ferb. It's one of our favorite cartoons.
I am currently...resting in the family room.
I am Bible, Craving God (a 21 day devotional), and Fools Rush In, another Christian novel. On my Nook. :)
I am pondering these words..."Unless you have forgiven others, you read your own death-warrant when you repeat the Lord's Prayer." - Charles Spurgeon
From the kitchen...baked ziti. I make a 13X9 pan and it's enough for lunch and dinner, plus lunch for E tomorrow. He loves it when I pack homemade meals in his lunch box.
From the learning started up again yesterday, and now it's the FCAT crunch. Florida Comprehensive Aptitude tests start next month.
Around the is much easier with a Dyson!
One of my favorite things...having a son that actually understands computers.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
My kids like that cartoon too! I'm so happy for you about the rebates! Thank you God!
I love the blog look! So springy! I wish I had more time to blog and read blogs again...maybe this summer!
Enjoyed reading your daybook. Thank you for stopping by and leaving words of encouragement.
Thanks for sharing that great quote too.
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