Saturday, May 26, 2012

Five Question Friday

Huh?  Whaddya mean it's not Friday?  Just look at the calen...oh.  It's Saturday.  Sorry about that!  Hey, it's okay, I can still get my post up, and if you want don't mind being a day late, head on over to Mama M's at My Little Life.

1. Are you a napper?
No, not unless I'm sick.  I'm an early riser and my energy level is pretty consistent throughout the day.

2. What was your favorite subject in school? Most hated?
My favorite subject was and is history.  I love studying about the past and learning how things were done way back when.  My most hated was PE.  I'm just not the athletic type.  Though I did enjoy volleyball for awhile.

3. Did you have the something old new borrowed and blue at your wedding? What were they?
Nope.  Mine was a simple go-to-the-courthouse type wedding.  All the traditional hoopla wasfn't necessary.

4. What one thing are you determined to do this summer?
Have fun!  I want to do lots of things but mostly I just want to have fun doing them.

5. Ice cream or Popsicles?
I absolutely, positively LOVE ice cream and would choose it over popsicles any day.  Unfortunately my digestive system feels otherwise.  (I hate being lactose intolerant)

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