Saturday, April 17, 2010

Observing My Senses

For Today, April 17, 2010...

I am overcast afternoon. It has looked like rain all day so I haven't watered my plants, but not a drop has fallen as of yet.

I am son laughing and singing along with cartoons.

I am a nap right now would be sweet.

I am, from Costco, with the hugest pepperonis I've ever seen.

I am smelling...Murphy's oil soap, which I use to clean the floors.

It just takes a moment to see what's going on around you. Won't you join me?


Kristi said...

I am finally hearing as close to silence as it gets around here!

I'll be seeing the back of my eyelids soon, and I'm tasting toothpaste!

I am feeling happy, because I'm up or (should I say down?) to an 8 lbs weight loss. I actually got exercise in today too! YAY! The upstairs is clean and organized and I will go to sleep happy tonight.

I am smelling the BBQ ribs I didn't get to partake in tonight and even though I cleaned the dishes, you can still smell those bad boys. My husband was in a grilling frenzy this weekend..I did get BBQ Chicken on Friday though...mmmm.

*I bet you are still admiring those floors of yours! So beautiful, and especially right after being cleaned! I hope you ate a slice of pizza for me! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Arlene said...

Mmm, bbq chicken and ribs! They beat out pizza any day!

Congratulations on 8 lbs lost - that's an amazing accomplishment when you have 4 kids to feed! I know it's hard not to eat what everyone else is eating, but in the end you'll reap the benefits of being healthier and set a good example for the little ones as well. Keep up the good work!