Saturday, April 13, 2013

Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun

It's Saturday morning, but I'm still up to the challenge!  Here are four incomplete statements - fill in the blanks if you can!  Thanks to Hilary at Feeling Beachie for hosting.

This week’s statements:
1. I don’t like to ____
I don't like to clean bathrooms.  I wish someone would invent self-cleaning ones.  That would be great.

2. I love to ___ in the morning
I love to get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning.

3. If I could change one thing in my life it would be _______
If I could change one thing in my life it would be my sarcastic nature.  Not everyone understands or appreciates it.  It can get a person in trouble.

4. If I was better at _____, I would _____
If I was better at sports, I would probably get more exercise.


Charleen said...

I nodded my head to all of those statements. They all ring true.

Hilary said...

personally, I like sarcasm...