Monday saw loads and loads of laundry. Hubby got back from his trip and boy was there clothes to wash! Thankfully I got most of it done. Just seems like no matter how much laundry I do, it never gets fully caught up. Why is that? It's okay, I was stuck at home anyway. Hubby's car was giving him problems, so he had to take mine to work. At least he left me plenty to do!
Tuesday, hmm, what did I do Tuesday? Can't remember. Must be getting old. Oh yeah, small group leader's meeting! All the small group leaders got together to go over the curriculum (the church will be doing a study of the book of Proverbs called Vintage Wisdom that runs 9 weeks) and everything involved in home growth groups. I'm hoping it will be a very strong study.
Wednesday was kitchen and family room cleaning. These are the two rooms that need to be tended to the most, since we spend most of our time there. Wednesday night was Awana for E and I had my last leadership class. Again, lots of conviction, and a new focus on how to teach both women's groups and children.
Thursday I went to E's school to find out about Cub Scouts. His teachers last year kept pushing me on the issue of him being involved in some sports or activity. Even though he's in Awana they felt he needed another outlet. I disagree; I feel too many extra-curricular activities take the focus away from school where he's already struggling. However, my nephew is in karate and my husband has been told time and again by his family that E should be in karate also. I know many people are in favor of kids being in martial arts; I'm not. It's too violent. Yes, I've heard all about how it teaches children discipline and isn't really violent because the students are taught that this is about self defense. I've also seen kids use their martial arts training in ways that they aren't supposed to. Well, E came home with the Cub Scout information and was practically jumping out of his skin he was so excited. So I went to his school (which is were the Scouts meet) and was very impressed with the activities they are taught and how it is family oriented. I also like that they meet once a week, on Thursdays, and have outdoor activities during the year but not every week or even every month, so it won't be too distracting and E can also focus on school. I'm praying this is a good decision.
Friday. Ah, Friday. Tonight some ladies from my summer small group are coming over for a Girl's Night. We'll have dinner (I've got a pot roast in the crock pot) and watch a Tim Hawkin's DVD. If you haven't heard of Tim Hawkins, check him out here. Tim is a Christian comedian, so he's funny without being vulgar. Not too many of those around these days. I think this fellowship night will be good for everyone, encouraging as well as fun.
All in all, another blessed week. Thank You Lord for all of them.
My Daybook . . .
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
What fun! I hope you have a wonderful ladies night. Those are so refreshing.
I too fought with the laundry again this week. What's new, right?! I actually went through all the boys clothes and had them and myself pick out their favorites, and I washed and got rid of all the rest. It was liberating! 3 extra large loads went straight from the dryer to the trash bag to goodwill! No folding or anything. I am so happy I will never have to wash those again! I hope this will help keep the laundry a little more under control. Now I have to go throught the girl's clothes and my own.
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