Outside my window...it's COLD!!! I woke up to 44 degrees this morning. I know, for many Northerners that's spring weather right now, but for us it's very cold. And tomorrow promises to be in the 30's.
I am thinking...yes, it's cold, but Minnesota is colder. I'd rather be here.
I am thankful...for our warm and cozy home.
I am going...grocery shopping.
I am wearing...blue button down shirt under blue sweater, jeans, socks.
I am remembering...Y2K. Can you believe that was 10 years ago?!?!
I am creating...well, already created a shopping list.
I am reading...Exodus for morning devotions, finished Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, and I'll be reading Sense and Sensibility again because my youngest son gave me the book for my birthday.
I am hoping...this cold weather doesn't aggravate my son's cough.
On my mind...I need to get all the Christmas decorations put away, but my oldest son hasn't been available to get the boxes down from the attic.
From the learning rooms...it's the first day back to school for E and R. My daughter A doesn't go back till next Monday.
I am noticing that...winter came later than usual for us. Does this mean it's gonna stick around longer too?
I am pondering these words..."He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction." - Proverbs 13:3.
From the kitchen today...tilapia. I didn't make it last week because we had so many leftovers.
Around the house...one word: LAUNDRY!!
One of my favorite things...is snuggling up under the covers on a cold winter day.
A few plans for the rest of the week...we're getting back to normal, with Awana and Cub Scouts. My daughter and I will be going to the mall to burn some gift cards. Hubby may be going to Central Florida this week for some store openings; he won't find out till later today. Haven't made too many plans waiting to see his schedule.
From my picture journal...the newest addition to the family: cousin N Jr. I've known his mom since she was 4 years old; now she the mommy of three little ones. My, how time flies!
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
Hi! This is not my first time to visit but maybe my first to leave a comment. The word 'tilapia' made me wonder if we're from the same country.
I see you like Jane Austen, too.
I enjoyed my visit and signed to follow. I look forward to visit more in the coming days.
hope you have a great week.
The baby in the picture is so adorable!
How precious! I'm glad you have another little one in your family. My cousin is due to have another baby this year, and I wish I was closer to her so that I could hold him/her regularly. I saw a three day old baby in the thrift store yesterday and it made me tear up. My babies aren't babies anymore and I want another one! It's all in the Lord's hands.
I'm not liking this cold weather either. Our pastor (jokingly) tried blaming us, saying we left the door open when we moved here, and that's why it's so cold here, we brought it with us. I told him that it's been over 2 years ago now since we moved here, so it can't be us! It's amazing how fast your body adapts to your environment though. I was raised in the Rocky Mountains, and hardly ever got cold. Now, if it's below 60 degrees, I'm not liking it!
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