For Today, January 25, 2010...
Outside my window...the sun is trying to peek out from behind the clouds. It poured earlier this morning (which we needed) and it might just rain again before the temps go down.
I am thinking...about my hubby who is due back home today from another trip to Central Florida.
I am thankful...for my family.
I am get this house cleaned up before my hubby gets home (hopefully).
I am wearing...a brown linen blouse, taupe polka dotted skirt, and sandals.
I am remembering...the camporee this weekend. We ended up not sleeping over because I was having car trouble Friday, but we were there all day Saturday. My son's pack took 3rd place in their skit celebrating 100 years of Scouting. Yay!!
I am creating...a menu for this week. I know, I'm waaay behind!
I am reading...Numbers for morning devotions, John for SOAP devotions, Having a Mary Spirit by Joanna Weaver, finished Sense and Sensibility and planning to re-read Pride and Prejudice.
I am hoping...the weather cools off enough so I can open the windows again. The breeze today is too warm.
On my mind...a lot of issues that I'm praying through.
From the learning rooms...I totally forgot E had tutoring this morning, and he missed it. I hope they don't take him out of the program.
I am noticing that...I'm feeling better than last week, praise God.
I am pondering these words..."We can be living by the Spirit in one area (say, daily devotions) and still be totally controlled by the flesh in another area (for instance, our choice of entertainment or pattern of escape)." - Having a Mary Spirit. This really spoke to me!
From the kitchen today...tilapia.
Around the house...there's plenty to do.
One of my favorite spending time with my boys. I miss my daughter so much, yet her being away gives me the chance to spend time just with the boys. There's such an age difference (R is almost 13 years older than E) that it makes our time together more interesting.
A few plans for the rest of the week: grocery shopping, a trip to Home Depot to look into tankless water heaters, Awana and Bible Study, library, Cub Scouts...I'm tired already!
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
I'm glad you are feeling better! I'm sorry you missed E's tutor session this morning. It's so hard to remember everything that's going on. I love my Calendar Pal. I just don't look at a regular calander that often, so to have one on the computer(where I am so often) has really been beneficial for me!
I'm glad you are enjoying time with your boys!
...thank you Arlene! I wanted to give you an invitaion to view my other blog that I'm putting pictures on, but I didn't have your e-mail address. If you would like to have access to that one, just leave another comment and put your e-mail address on there. I won't publish the comment. I still want to have a way to share my family with those of you whom I've come to know so well, and enjoy...I just want it to be a safe way!
Enjoyed your journal and love your sparrow scripture. I replaced my snipit with one like your. Thanks for sharing.
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