- It is COLD outside! This morning the temperature reading was 39 degrees, but with the wind chill factor it felt like 32. This is South Florida, we aren't supposed to have wind chill factors! I know there are those up North who are poo-pooing weather in the 30's because they're suffering thru much more frigid temperatures. Let me just remind them: whether you're in sunny Florida or the snow capped mountains of Colorado, 32 degrees is COLD. And we're feeling it.
- My hubby is in Central Florida starting today for some store openings. It's colder up there: wind chills make it feel like it's in the 20's. He's not too happy. It's bad enough to be away from home and family for 3-5 days, but in this weather it's even more miserable.
- I took my daughter and her best friend to the mall yesterday because A had some gift certificates she wanted to spend, one from the Gap and two from Banana Republic. Mind you, we don't normally shop at these stores because the prices are what I call "stupid ridiculous". I had no intention of getting anything for myself because frankly, even if I could afford it, I won't pay $80 for a shirt. Since we went to an outlet mall the prices tend to be better, though. They had some corduroy skirts in the clearance rack which caught my eye. Corduroy is a fabric not commonly seen in South Florida. Out of curiosity I checked the price: $6.99. "Okay," I thought, "what's wrong with it?" I turned the skirt inside out and looked all around. It was a perfectly good skirt. I went to the dressing room; it's a little shorter than I typically wear, since it's right on the knee, but it's not too short to look tacky or immodest. So I went back and got one in burgundy and one in black, because at $6.99 it was a steal. Then I saw some more skirts and thought, "Could it be?" Sure enough, I found a beautiful grey pinstripe wrap-style skirt for $7.99 and a brown tweed skirt, same style as the grey, for $15.99 (better quality fabric). I got 4 skirts for $40 and was thrilled! We then went to Books-A-Million and I found a Bible Dictionary and Concordance for $9.97, and the book Having a Mary Spirit by Joanna Weaver for $4.97. I was so glad, because I was wanting a study guide for my personal study time and this price can't be beat. The book has a fourteen week study guide which I'm gonna take advantage of.
- I've got almost all the Christmas stuff packed in boxes waiting to go back into the attic. Problem is, my son's in school and working and now Hubby is out of town, which will delay things a bit. Still, I plan on pressing on. My latest decorating idea: I'm going to switch the living and family rooms a little. Not entirely; the furniture in the living room wouldn't all fit in the family room because of the layout. Just switching the sofas, love seat and chairs. It'll give the family room furniture a rest.
That's what's going on in my life so far. Have a blessed rest of your week.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
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