For Today, February 1, 2010...
Outside my's raining. We're thankful for it, it was desperately needed. We should be getting rain for the next two days, then a weak cold front that'll bring the temps down to the 50's.
I am thinking...of projects to do around the house.
I am thankful for...a loving God who knows better than I do what's right for me and my life. I need to remember to trust in Him even when things don't seem to be going the way I expected.
I am going...nowhere today. My car needs a new sensor of some sort, and it's been giving me problems. I almost didn't get to church yesterday, but the enemy was defeated once more, praise the Lord!
I am wearing...a white tank top under a purple tank top, pink shorts and sandals. Yes, I know, it's the middle of winter. It's also 72 degrees outside.
I am happy my son was this past Thursday when he got all his belt loops and badges at Cub Scouts.
I am creating...a budget for a home improvement project I hope to present to my hubby this week. It's something we've wanted to do for awhile, and the opportunity to get it done at a very economical price has arisen, but I still need to be sure we can afford to do it at this time. "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it — lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?" - Luke 14:28-30.
I am reading...Deuteronomy for morning devotions, John for SOAP devotions, Having a Mary Spirit for personal study, and Jane Austen: The Woman which I got from the library.
I am car gets fixed today and it isn't too expensive and doesn't give me anymore trouble.
On my mind...pastors. They carry a very heavy load. Pray for them; they are human too, yet have a huge responsibility.
From the learning rooms...Florida Writes exams are this month; my son is very nervous, since writing is not his strength. On the upside, he is doing very well with multiplication and long division.
I am noticing just started raining harder.
I am pondering these words...I saw my youngest son (10 yo) on his way to the bathroom with a book. Asking what he was up to, he answered, "I need to toss a few toys down the chimney." I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard.
From the kitchen today...steaks, I think. Haven't done my menu for the week. Shame on me.
Around the and family room today. Oh, and I've already started laundry.
One of my favorite reading a good book when it's raining. Though I have to admit, my eyes have been bothering me lately when I read. I hope it's just allergies.
A few plans for the rest of the week: library, Awana, Bible study, Cub Scouts, the usual.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
I am so ready for flip flops. Even though we are in central Florida, the weather has been cold for the month of January (at least to me!) Thanks for sharing about your day.
72 degrees sounds wonderful. :) Thanks for the reminder to pray for our pastors-- and to remember that they are human.
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