Today, I'm thankful because my husband's trip to the endocrinologist went well. The doctor didn't think the levels of my husband's blood sugar were too bad, and rather than prescribe medication he recommended a low carb 1,800 calorie diet. I can handle that! (Don't know if the hubby can, though). I'm gonna start looking into calorie counts and measuring, so that I can prepare my hunny the foods he likes while staying within the calorie limits. My hubby is exercising in the mornings so that's one point in his favor; now to get him on the track to healthiness. Thank God for His tender mercies, and for His healing grace.
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God;
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.
Psalm 42:11
Join in thankfulness to the Lord at Grace Alone. God bless.
Oh, goodness...that's great news, but I bet your hubby isn't too incredibly thrilled about it. That's not very many calories for a man to get to eat. I think my hubby would rather hear that he needed to have a kidney removed or something! I'm sure it won't be so bad though, if you are going to find him some great taseting meals that are filling for the amount of caloried that are in them.
I am so thankful to hear that the doctor didn't think it was Extremely serious at this time. I've known people who didn't get diagnosed until there were already really high levels, and damage was already done to the body. Praise God for His provision and protection for your family!
Well that is good news! I hope the carb diet works out for him. Love the verse you posted. ~
If he's willing to make small changes, he won't have to give up a lot of his favorite foods. Most doctors will tell you to cut out almost all carbs but your body needs carbs. So switching to whole grains/whole wheat lets you eat the stuff you like with the fiber your body needs.
Here's a tip: when making whole wheat pasta, be sure to salt the water and cook well because they take longer to cook than regular pasta. Brown rice, if seasoned and cooked right, can be a great substitute for regular rice. (I especially like it with peas and carrots mixed in - almost like vegetable fried rice!) Although the calories are the same as the regular, the fiber helps your body feel full with less (which actually means less calories you're taking in) and helps the digestive system.
If you're going to cut out sweets, it takes the tongue 21 days to redevelop the sweet taste buds so you don't crave sweets and so unsweetened foods don't taste bland.
Now if only his job wasn't stressful, he'd have this kicked in no time! :)
As a diabetic, I am praying for your husband.
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