For Today, February 23, 2010...
Outside my window...the fog is lifting. Good thing too - it was plain white out there this morning. Not good driving conditions.
I am thinking...about all the furniture that needs to be moved today. The flooring project is almost complete; now the clean up starts.
I am thankful...for a God who provides. He is a generous Father who loves His children and wants nothing more than to see us prosper.
I am take my hubby to the doctor this afternoon. His glucose tolerance test came back positive for hypoglycemia, so additional tests need to be done.
I am wearing...a lime green blouse, jeans, and brown flats. Had to go to the store for more baseboards early this morning. Half asleep. In the fog.
I am remembering...the day my oldest son was first placed in my arms. Thanks to some stuff they were saying on the radio, that's my happy thought for today :-).
I am creating...a new look in my home with awesome looking floors.
I am reading...Judges for morning devotions, John for SOAP devotions, Having a Mary Spirit for personal study.
I am get this project finished and everything put away. Today. Okay, maybe by tomorrow.
On my hunny's health.
From the learning rooms...E continues to do well with math; long division seems to come easily to him. Getting his thoughts on paper is still a bit of a struggle, but I think he's starting to see it isn't so hard after all.
I am noticing sister hasn't blogged in a while. I'm gonna have to give her a talking-to.
I am pondering these words..."Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.
From the kitchen today...I have no clue. I made no menu for the week because my every moment at home has been about moving furniture, cleaning, helping with the new floors, cleaning some more, putting stuff away, and getting a quick meal on the table in between it all.
Around the house...I will be busy for the next week at least. Can't wait till it's all organized and put away.
One of my favorite things...sandwiches. Quick on the go meals. What a concept!
A few plans for the rest of the week...find a place for everything, and put everything in its place.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
I hope you can finish soon, and be back to the "norm" will be a much better looking norm though, won't it!?
I love your remembering comment. It's always good to look back and see the blessings! ~ Laurie
Oh my goodness, your floors are beautiful! I hope you get some help with your husbands health and soon. I guess you have officially begun your spring cleaning. Have a productive week:-)
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