For Today, February 8, 2010...
Outside my's COLD! Again! I can't believe how cold this winter has been. It was 49 degrees this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be the warmest day of the week, with morning temps in the upper 50's, then it'll be cold the rest of the week. My palm trees are suffering miserably.
I am thinking...about the front of the house, and how I'd like to plant some flowers there, only it's too cold right now. It's gonna have to wait till next month.
I am thankful...for my home. As a child we lived in tenement apartments in NY, many of them mouse and rat infested, and I dreamed of one day having a real house with a yard for my family. God has been so good in making a little girl's dream come true!
I am tackle a truckload of laundry. Well, not a real truckload, but it sure does feel like it.
I am wearing...a long sleeve black velour tunic top, jeans and sneakers.
I am remembering...yesterday's bible study. We broke up into groups to study 2 Corinthians 1:1-7. It was great.
I am creating...well, don't know if creating is the right word, but I'm working on our income tax return, hoping for a good refund so that we can proceed with the home improvement project my hubby said yes to, once we get our income tax money. I'm so excited!
I am reading...Deuteronomy for morning devotions, John for SOAP devotions, just finished re-reading Pride and Prejudice, and the study guide Having a Mary Spirit.
I am send in my income tax return this week. I'm almost done at this point, just need a few details which I'm waiting on my daughter for.
On my sister's visit. She and my brother-in-law will be coming down at the end of March, and I'm praying for a safe trip and some fun, relaxing time together with my bestest friend.
From the learning rooms...E has a pep rally today, and tomorrow he has his FCAT Writes exam. Please pray for my little boy. He gets so nervous when he has exams.
I am noticing that...we keep filling the garbage tank with palm fronds every week. Palm trees aren't accustomed to cold weather, and we've had lots of it this winter. R picked up a bunch of palm fronds on Saturday before cutting the grass. There's about 5 more down since, and they're big ones.
I am pondering these words..."Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." - Proverbs 16:18
From the kitchen today...oven baked pork chops with rice and beans.
Around the house...I'll be doing laundry all day long.
One of my favorite things...home improvement projects.
A few plans for the rest of the week...just the standard stuff, library, Awana, Boy Scouts.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
It has been a very cold winter! I'm ready for warmer weather! Some of my annual plants and flowers that come back every year may not come back this year. I think the ground just got to cold for annuals to come back up. Only time will tell. I hope some make it because I have very few perennials in the yard.
I think I'm going to do pork chops tonight too, only I'm going to have them in a mushroom sauce over mashed potatoes.
I hope you guys have a good week, and I'll pray for E and his exam!
Thanks for sharing about your day. I am just not liking all this cold weather in Florida. I am so ready for warm days again. Hope you have a great week!
I keep thinking it's time to start gardening again and then the weather takes another turn towards the cold! sigh. Eventually i will get that veg plot dug over and something planted for this year!
It's been a cold winter everywhere it seems. Here in NC we've had snow which is rare for us. We considered pork chops too, but decided on lasagna.
I cannot wait to plant flowers and my garden this year! It's coming down snow right now! Laundry is never ending at my house. I would love the new washer and dryers that hold so much more!
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