Welcome to the first Monday in November. This year has gone by so quickly; I feel like it was just January and we were putting away Christmas decorations, and now it's almost time to put them up again! My hubby expressed my sentiments the other day: "November is a fun month." Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving, Christmas decorations go up right after Thanksgiving; it's a busy month, in a good way.
I've already got quite a bit of Christmas shopping done. I love to be ahead of the game! It irritates me to go into stores in December because they're packed with people fighting over stuff and being rude to everyone because they HAVE to get the latest whatever. I prefer to get my shopping done early and enjoy the season. No shopping will be done today, though. E is at home today and tomorrow because of teacher planning days, so I hope we can get some of his science project done. I also plan to:
Fix beds
Tidy up and sweep the rest of the house
Clean my bathroom
Fold one load of laundry
There's always something to do around here! Hope ya'll have a blessed week.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
I agree with you guys, November is a fun month! I love this time of year..
Hope your day is great!
I can't stand the stores in December! It's total chaos and rudeness, just like you said. I do hope I'll have a place to put up Christmas decorations this year...I love them so much.
I hope you guys do well with those science projects!
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