For Today, November 23, 2010...
Outside my window...I'm hearing a helicopter overhead. It's probably the news chopper, since we live fairly close to one of the expressways. I'm hoping there isn't an accident.
I am thinking...of all the preparations needed for Thursday, and my little girl who'll be home tomorrow (yay!).
I am thankful...for my Savior, for my family, for the comfortable life He's given us, for the nation we live in, for my church family, for my extended family...oh my, the list goes on and on!
I am get as much done today as possible, so that I can start baking tomorrow.
I am wearing...a mint green shirt, jean bermuda shorts and white flip flops. Hey, it's 75 degrees outside.
I am noticing...the chopper is still flying around.
I am currently...looking at cars for my daughter. She's going to need one, and we want to get as good a deal as possible for a safe dependable car.
I am reading...2 Timothy for morning devotions, and not much else. It's been pretty busy around here lately.
I am waiting...patiently for our Thanksgiving day feast!
On my mind...a multitude of plans, and changes, and all God is preparing us for. He's so good!
From the learning rooms...I've been invited to E's award ceremony tomorrow. Only parents of children who are getting awards got invited. I'm so thrilled! My son got straight A's and B's on his report card! Thank You Jesus!
I am pondering these words..."Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing - a grateful heart!"
Around the house...finish floors, laundry, and clean bathrooms.
One of my favorite things...Hello, Thanksgiving!! LOL!!
A few plans for the rest of the week...we'll be prepping for Thanksgiving, hosting Thanksgiving, then 3 days of Christmas decorating. It's my favorite time of the year!
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook. God bless.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
Quoted from your post: "I am pondering these words..."Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing - a grateful heart!"" Super AMEN! to that. Blessings to you!
"Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing - a grateful heart!"
I love those words!
Happy Thanksgiving.
You sound very excited...lots happening in your life right now. Have a blessed week,
Mama Bear
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