For Today, November 30, 2010...
Outside my window...the sun is blaring and there's a light breeze. It feels more like late spring than late fall. A cold front is supposed to come in tomorrow and change that. I can't wait!
I am blessed we are that hurricane season is over and we got no hurricanes this year.
I am thankful...for everything. God is so great!
I am be doing lots of clean up around the house today.
I am wearing...a brown and pink shirt, jeans, and brown flip-flops.
I am noticing...summer doesn't want to leave us just yet.
I am currently...caught up decorating. Finally! I started on Friday and finished yesterday.
I am reading...James for morning devotions, and nothing else. I've been too busy decorating.
I am waiting...for a phone call.
On my daughter, who has 2 papers to finish this week and is preparing for finals. We're diligently praying for her.
From the learning rooms...E is learning the "powers" (10 to the 5th power, that sort of thing) and says it's so easy. I'm glad he catches on so quickly.
I am pondering these words..."Gossips and talebearers set on fire all the houses they enter."
Around the house...finish laundry, clean outdoor furniture, vacuum. Hubby was going to take the day off and power clean the roof, but Walmart gave them extra freezer space so he's off to work.
One of my favorite Christmas tree. It's so gorgeous!
A few plans for the rest of the week...back to normal again. Library, Awana, Cub Scouts. Sunday is going to be busy - we're hosting a birthday party for a cousin's son who turns 1.
Wanna join in the fun? Visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook. Have a blessed day.
My Daybook . . .
1 week ago
your day sounds a lot like mine! Cleaning, decorating, laundry etc. I wish the weather were so warm here. Either warm or snowing, snow works too, but it's just bitter cold and that is no fun!
Praying with you for your daughter!
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